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How to Write Clear Sentences to Translate Into English

When preparing for translation, it’s important to ensure that the source content you provide to your translator is free of errors. These errors can result in reduced comprehension and misunderstanding of the translated text, increased translation time and cost, and rendering issues on pages or product interfaces.

A number of steps can be taken to ensure that your source text is written clearly in the target language and that you provide a good foundation for translation. Among these are the following:

Clarify Word Order

A clear sentence structure is essential in any translation, as this helps the translator understand the meaning of the language and the flow of the text. This includes using frasi da tradurre in inglese standard English word order (subject + verb + object) and avoiding compound-complex sentences with multiple independent and dependent clauses.

Use Articles

The presence of articles, such as the or a, is especially useful when translating from English into another language. They help clarify the meaning of nouns and noun phrases, and they also aid the reader in understanding the sentence.

Moreover, articles can help the translation process by providing a sense of rhythm and voice to the text, which is often lost when words are translated from one language to another.

Make Sentences Short and to the Point

Writing shorter sentences makes a text easier for the reader to understand, decreases the chances of creating errors, and allows the translator to fit smaller sentences together more easily. Longer sentences, on the other hand, can impair reading comprehension, cause rendering issues on the page or product interface, and increase translation time and cost.

Write in Active Voice

Choosing the correct subject and verb is essential for a sentence’s grammar. Generally, the subject will be the person or thing performing an action in a sentence. It’s best to use the active voice, as this is easier for a reader to understand.

Make List Items Consistent and Parallel in Structure

When creating a list item, it’s essential to include all the items in the same order. This will ensure that the reader can follow the list without confusion.

Be consistent in capitalization and punctuation, too!

A variety of orientations to translation were expressed by students, and the orientations did not neatly correspond with each other. For instance, Jennifer, who had translated frequently in class, exhibited a translingual orientation, whereas Dylan, who had limited translation in class, reflected a monolingual orientation to translation. Their differing practices, however, provided a rich window on the complexities of translation orientations.

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